Choosing of IP PBX station for organizing telephony in office. Any office cannot exist without telecommunication network, cooperation with customers or business partners starts always with telephony.

On modern IP-telephony market virtual PBX is very popular product for usage in big companies or even for home usage. In this article, we want to tell you about workability, functionality and possibilities of IP PBX system and how to organize this service in a right way.

Handling of cloud PBX can be made online that allows to company refusing the purchase of heavy, inconvenient equipment and clean out the space in office. When you decide to move in another office, you don’t have to make connection and setting of this telephone station.

Principle of IP PBX station functioning

Work of such telephone stations is provided by IP-telephony, so you don’t have to connect any additional equipment and create a telephone network. All software is reserved on server. When you connect this service, provider presents an access to it, regulating of this service is available online.

To PBX you can connect virtual numbers, habitual telephone numbers working on base of forwarding calls, fax and SMS to appropriate destinations. Such courses do not have attachment to physical location for example you can use local Moscow number in Minsk.

Get PBX system for utilization in office

Principle of IP PBX station functioning

Pros of virtual PBX station connection

If you choose between analogue and PBX, we recommend paying your attention to such preferences:

  • Connection of PBX presented by VoIP telephony is made online on provider’s site without purchase of special equipment, additional appliances and telephonic wires;
  • Possibility to have personal phone number to each member of staff or department;
  • Rates are lower;
  • Regulation is done via server with accessible interface;
  • Opportunities to work with calls thanks to setting of various services;
  • Absence of physical attachment to office.
Virtual PBX permits creating call-center with minimal expenses, control calls, install other services for distributing and processing, rearrange internal and external telecommunication.

What points are important for choosing of virtual PBX?

While choosing telephone stations, you need to remember about such criteria.

1. What number do you need?

Phone number

Be sure that chosen provider can give you local or mobile region number, where potential customers live. If you buy PBX for organization of technical support service, call center or other similar system, it’s reasonable to buy a number with free calling service.

2. Safety of data

Safety of data

You should order PBX with special individual IP-address. This will permit to preserve privacy of your data and save you from frauds. We always provide separate IP address to cloud telephone station.

3. Web-interface


You need to verify a convenience of this telephone station, get acquainted with all tabs on task bar;

4. Available quantity of internal numbers

Quantity of internal numbers

Most users prefer using service with unlimited amount of internal numbers, taking into account a fact of increasing staff members. Subscribers of PBX system can connect unlimited quantity of internal virtual numbers and SIP accounts;

5. Billing plan

Billing plan

Remember about costs for outgoing calls to desired regions, about rates of forwarding calls and possibility to accept them freely.

6. Basic package of services

Basic package of services

Learn what opportunities and features are included automatically to virtual IP PBX and if it is possible to add them. We provide free telephone number, list of additional services for your demands, and as many SIP-accounts as you need.

Picking of right PBX station, you will get mobile, set and easily regulated telephone station permitting to deploy telephony in a company.

How to connect virtual IP PBX from Freezvon?

Costs for this service is $86 (it includes monthly fee per first month). Every next month you need to fill $49 to your balance. Order your PBX completing these actions:

  • Pass registration on Freezvon;
  • Enter personal cabinet and top up with sum $86;
  • Choose actual number from the list (if there is no favorable variant, just connect other available number);
  • Write a request about connection of PBX with needed numbers and package of features.

Within 3 days we will send to your email all data for access to your PBX and instruction of usage. We are also going to provide you with chosen number. Our specialists are ready to help with telephone station installation and choose appropriate packet of services.

Costs for virtual phone numbers Buy virtual IP PBX for office

Several questions remain? Just contact our technical team. They are waiting for you in Skype, online help live chat, email or on phone. 24 hours without weekends, it's about us. Be informed anytime! No matter what time zone you are from, we will help you, because we care for your comfort, safety and successful functioning of your telephone services.