Nowadays, IP-telephony gives too many resources to improve telecommunication. First of them is called virtual phone which look like ordinary phone numbers with additional preferences. Any other virtual phones you could use for contacts with customers and business associates everyday.
Freezvon provides numbers for calls, SMS and fax messages to concrete destinations. In the following article, you will be able to realize what type of such service you really need.
Freezvon recommends installing such service known as PBX system with such features as call recording, hold a music, IVR-menu, SIP-accounts, internal numbers etc. Most companies used it for their telephony. For example, you need to provide presence on French market, but do not have plans to open physical office there. Virtual phone is your priority.
What is virtual phone service from Freezvon?
That is a number with look of real one, but with local code. Its work depends on forwarding of calls, messages and fax to appropriate destinations. There are some of them as SIP and mobile for calls; email for SMS and fax; Landline for calls. Such virtual phone doesn’t require SIM-cards or other supplementary equipment. No geographical attachment is in need. All areas and costs are available here.
When you want to have an ability to make calls, we propose you to connect SIP-account. You may receive it free after buying a virtual number or separately. Download special apps Zoiper or Xlite, make all necessary settings from our technicians.

Virtual phone for cheap calls
What are pros and benefits in use of virtual phone?
- Possibility to make cheap calls;
- Useful additional phone services as voicemail, conditional call forwarding, history of calls, voicemenu and others;
- Online ordering of the service from website;
- VoIP calls via Internet;
- Over 120 countries where you can connect;
- Permission to connect 800 numbers.
For being more advanced in your affairs, install Caller ID function, which is totally give back a trust to number, because it helps your subscribers to see the digits and call you back to it.
For asking several questions according your virtual phone, find our technical managers over Skype, help live chat, email or just call them by phone presented on our website. Enjoy VoIP telephony from Freezvon right now!