Speaking about IP-telephony, the most requested service is virtual number and helpful service in addition known as call forwarding . Over 5 million of people still using VoIP technologies, because it’s convenient, cheap, fast and profitable in use. All spheres of life involved in telecommunication, so it’s essential to get more details concerning new ways of talking on long distances. People using Internet get accustomed to permanent online communication, so if you belong to them, try Freezvon services.

It’s always convenient to use services, which are in cozy package. Virtual IP PBX station that’s kind of package embracing several services operative as for office as for home utilization. They are SIP accounts without limitations, internal using of virtual numbers, call statistics and others you could add to functional personal virtual office.

As it is known, virtual telephony works thanks to this option. It allows the user of number for traveling, moving to another country on long-term or even permanent residence, going on holidays, business trips, opening new company’s filiations abroad, but still to communicate cheapest with family, clients, partners, etc. Do your company have to move and thus look for new number? We have a ready-made solution for you! Check info presented below.

From this article, you are going to get information on remote call forwarding service and its advantages. It should be said that virtual numbers work thanks to redirecting of calls to appropriate destination courses. Let's find out together how to make services using of Freezvon better.

What is call forwarding service?

Virtual telephony shows us that communication can be simple and of high quality. That is a possibility to divert subscriber’s calls to any comfortable ways of its receiving especially it is useful when the user is abroad. Virtual number is exactly a method that helps to accept calls and direct them to different applications. It can be other number, call forwarding to one of SIP applications. So, it helps to talk easily with partners, clients, and even friends no matter wherever you are.

What are they, advantages of call redirection for number:

  1. Virtual number is never busy, so its user can get all calls and none of them will be missed;
  2. Process of call forwarding does not depend on subscriber’s actual location. So, the company may be situated in one country but have clients in another one and thus get calls from them. This gives an opportunity to company to change its location but save its customers;
  3. Possession of this number is very useful also for companies that have their filiations in another country or when they want to get some new clients. The clients who are calling to this company will think that they call particular local number, as the code of this number will conform to that of place of their location. Calls will be rated according to the tariffs of their local calls;
  4. Company of subscriber economizes on telephony. It’s all possible because when the user of virtual number redirects his calls to another number, the costs of such calls are twice lower;

Consequently, this is a number, which works with the help of redirecting option. Calls, SMS, faxes can be redirected to device and people who make calls or write SMS to you will think that you are a habitant of that country which number you use. All this is available due to redirection of calls feature.

Call forwarding service for virtual number work

They work thanks to call redirection. It’s essential to set this service correctly for workability of number and correct accepting of calls. Our company offers several kinds of redirecting such as: Alternate phone (mobile/local), SIP-application (such as Zoiper , Xlite), IP telephone, Asterisk.

Call forwarding feature working moments

Scheme of virtual call forwarding work

This service has ability to transmit calls to special courses. Freezvon offers some types of calls redirection that can be chosen by the user of number. Let’s examine every of them:

  1. To phone – It’s possible to set the diverting to any mobile or landline, for example: to office phone, and to obtain all calls in the way like usual and common local telephony. The calls are rated according to local rates. Read more about call forwarding to phone by clicking.
  2. To SIP application – SIP applications, such as Zoiper , Xlite , have also to get calls. This application can be set up to phone or laptop, tablet. The forwarding to SIP app is also free. This app can be also used for making outgoing calls.
  3. To IP telephone – Freezvon offers for such companies possibility to forward all calls to such IP-phone. Getting free SIP account, such telephones are also very simple in settings and easy in usage.
  4. To Asterisk – Our company also gives opportunity to set this function to company’s server (Asterisk) for receiving free incoming calls.
Each of them requires special settings, but very easy. Call forwarding can be changed any time in user’s personal profile. So, let’s consider what redirecting do you need separately and how to set it up correctly, what cost is accessible for that.

What is pricing for call forwarding with virtual number

In additional to all these, your charges will reduce twice. It's an economy on phone services bills or even save on inbound calls, as call forwarding to SIP is free of charge. Virtual numbers with option of call forwarding have a lot of benefits, which you will certainly feel.

Routing setup - distribution of calls to a specific device (SIP or phone).

  • Simple scheme - free;
  • Complex scheme - $20;
  • Changes to a complex scheme - $5.

Procedure of ordering virtual number from Freezvon

It is very simple to get this number forwarding service. All you need is to:

  1. Make registration on our website;
  2. Recharge the balance on some of setup fee;
  3. Order the number from your profile;
  4. Setup this service online for your virtual number.

Our technical support specialists are always ready to help you to choose appropriate virtual number exactly for you and answer all the questions you have to make using our service being more comfortable.

As you can see VoIP has the same range of functions as a usual telephony, but for less money and with bigger opportunities. You may order the services mentioned above directly from the personal cabinet on Freezvon. Contact our technical experts via Skype, email or live chat online. Contact us now.