We communicate every day. The most popular way of intercommunicating currently is via mobile phones. We use those devices for different purposes either for personal or corporate. Possibilities given to us are growing at a rate of knots. That is how IP-telephony with its unique virtual numbers was founded and created. Modern business cannot be efficiently conducted without this new technology. Additional options presented by our service widen opportunities for increasing clients’ base. Call recording feature is the one of such features, which is a helping hand in controlling customers and employees of any enterprise.

The option of call recording is amazing for usage in office or for private goals. It’s also possible to order such service as IP PBX station, which is described as big collection with multiple options as unlimited SIP-accounts, numbers for internal conversations, blacklist, greeting message, call monitoring, IP-address and records of calls. See costs for it below.

What is call recording option?

Call recording is an option from our company, which allows making records of any calls and save the audio - either incoming or dialed ones. This additionally provided function allows also keeping all kind of calls, to include inbound and outbound ones to be listened to afterwards. The records are set to be sent directly to email. Due to being set fast and easily managed the function of call recording is very useful to organizations, which deal with customer services helping to organize, sort and process clients inquiries.

Record of calls will definitely be of a great help for various businesses. Customer facing companies, operational client centers, service operators and other companies dealing with client support functions will surely benefit from this service. Customer facing roles normally assume such traits as being polite, express positive attitude, good manners, avoiding conflicts, helping with the choice, raising client satisfaction and promotion of the company’s services in general. By all phone talks can be recorded and be listened to afterwards.

This service has the following benefits:

  • Monitoring of support agents communication with clients;
  • Helping with operator’s training for the subject of most effective ways of phone communication;
  • Monitoring of operators’ attitude in situations requiring additional attention;
  • Raising overall customer service standards within the organization.
In order to track the calls and take control of employees’ communication with customers, a call recording function will be extremely helpful to any supervisor. Thus, you can raise the quality of your company’s customer service organization that in obtaining more happy clients and profit increasing.

How does the call recording system work?

The automatic VoIP recording of calls begins from the first second of picking up the phone. Right after talking it is finished, the record is sent directly to your email. The audio comes in very convenient MP3 format. While being saved at email, this audio can be easily replayed, forwarded to someone, etc. Operate this record in a way you want.

Call history option work

Call recording option working principle

Also, the recording function can be set only for definite types of calls, like incoming or outgoing, which let control certain phone communication. Due to receiving recorded audio files at your e-mail one can start tracking all calls and introduce some quality changes to make better performance of the customer support. Call records may also be very useful in solving all juridical problems, where each of call records can become a proof to your clients. About more additional services from our company see here.

How Much Does the Call Recording Service Cost?

Setup of the call recording service is free. At the same time, users have three plans to choose from:

  • Plan «Basic» (100 MB) - free;
  • Plan «Standard» (10 GB) - $10 per month;
  • Plan «Business» (50 GB) - $25 per month.

After call recording is connected, users can listen to and download audio recordings from their account in «Call History», where they also can change their plan at any time. If needed, the call recordings could be emailed to you as well.

If the volume of call recordings exceeds the storage space and the plan is not upgraded to a plan with more storage space, recordings will be deleted automatically, starting with the oldest.
*Also, if users don't have enough funds on the balance to prolong the plan, they will be automatically assigned the «Basic» plan (100 MB).

Additional features costs and rates

Set up call recording option by Freezvon

It can be set up immediately after connecting the number. First, you are to select the number of a country of your choice. In order to get the above mentioned phone service you need to:

  • Register and get access to personal account;
  • Recharge balance to make an order of the number (including the price of phone service);
  • Order the number via profile;
  • Write a request to our technical department for connection of phone service.

Freezvon VoIP recording software is quick to be enabled, allowing you to take full advantage of its features in no time. All information about connection of phone number and requested service you will find in personal account on our website.

In case you have any further questions or additional requests, you can always reach our technical support. Our technical specialists are available via Skype, live helping chat, email or by telephone number. Our specialists are always ready to give you an advice or even to consult, so contact us here.