Service of call back is giving opportunity to order the connection with subscriber in such a way that the call is inbound for both subscribers. As you know, incoming calls can be twice cheaper or even free in some mobile operators. Accepting call, user pays twice less than for outgoing calls using this service than making calls from its cell or corded phone, especially when it is international call. Freezvon allows everybody to save money.

Freezvon is able to propose lots of supplementary functions except this one. They are like helpful addition to virtual number in any sphere of professional or personal life. There are click to call, blacklist, cheap VoIP calls, salutation message, background music and others. But let's get in details what is the meaning of call back system usage.

Call back option: possibilities of service

Call back can be especially useful if there appeared the necessity to talk with subscriber who is far away, in another state or even continent. It can be especially helpful in corporate usage. The calls to business partners or clients are not a problem. Person doesn’t need to spend huge sum of money for making abroad calls or on roaming. All is necessary is to point numbers (yours and your subscriber) and the call will be inbound for both of you.

Before ordering telephone service from Freezvon, you need to know what preferences you could obtain using that with virtual number. Check them all now.

Preferences of using call back service are the next:

  • Call is incoming for both subscribers;
  • Cheap rates on calls;
  • Absence of special equipment or devices;
  • Good quality;
  • Simple usage;
  • It helps to attract customers who are not able to call;
  • It's FREE of charge;
  • There is a possibility to order this feature online;
  • A big variety of other additional services which are accessible here;
  • Cheap rates at calls;
  • Call is incoming for both subscribers.

Principles of callback work

It functions without special equipment. It doesn’t demand even possession of virtual number. SIP-account is not important when we speak of call back.

Use call back option

Call back service functioning

So, the absence of SIP-account or unstable Internet are not problems anymore. Use call back for very simple talking, but with high quality. In personal profile the user can enter the numbers and the call comes to both subscribers as incoming.

This service will be irreplaceable for any serious company. With call back option your corporation will gain more trust from customers. You will never lose calls from them.

Costs of Call back service

Speaking about costs, it’s worth mentioning that this service is free. Get DID number and then you will be successful user of incredible union of VoIP services.

Costs for additional phone services

Process of receiving call back service

Get opportunity to use such useful phone service with all its advantages is very simple. Buy number for more comfortable communication with clients. Observe prices for numbers here. So, you need only to:

  • Make registration and, thus, get access to personal profile;
  • Top up a balance via profile;
  • Order the number via profile;
  • Use successfully the phone service of call back directly from your personal account.

These easy and quick steps help you in starting usage of call back. Freezvon does all possible to make your communication easier and cheaper. Try call back service and see all preferences of it by yourself.

Concerning unclear and confusing questions address to technicians from support department. Contact us via Skype, email or livechat or by telephone. Our company is always ready to accept customers demands, questions and requests. You have a chance to become more informed in VoIP technologies and services work. Just contact us!