Freezvon has a possibility to recommend our users to order a great service as Canada toll free phone numbers with call forwarding to SIP and to another phone number. They give lots of benefits in telecommunication with subscribers.

You may also order such services as PBX system, additional services, SIP telephone service etc. From this article, you will get information concerning VoIP telephony and country, where you can use them. Canadian toll free numbers designated for free calling for subscribers.

Canada is quite captivating country, where tourists can find anything they want.This country’s hockey team is considered to be very strong and professional, so it doesn’t play qualifying tournament, they play the final game. It’s interesting that Canada was offered to enter USA as a part of confederation. Canada has more lakes than any country in the world. Anyway, you may connect virtual numbers in Canada for SMS or fax with forwarding feature.

What is toll free phone number and its working principle?

This special multichannel phone number has code 800 and provide your subscribers with free calls. However, user of number (call receiver) is responsible for paying their incoming calls. You don’t have to buy SIM-cards or other technical equipment. If your office need to move, you will have no problem with your toll free number, because it’s not attached to physical location. For making cheap VoIP calls, get SIP account from us and obtain all needed settings. Learn more about prices here.

Use of Canada toll free telephone number

Canada toll free number

Benefits of toll free number service

There are such advantages, which will persuade you to get a virtual toll free number for Canada:

  • It’s possible to buy it online;
  • Cheap VoIP service for calls abroad;
  • Using toll free numbers allows callers to reach out without incurring any charges, so calling service providers that offer these numbers are helping you to increase incoming leads or sales;
  • It’s accessible to get additional phone service as background music, call recording, conference call, welcome message and others;
  • NO SIM-cards or other technical equipment;
  • Absence of physical location attachment.
For making telephone system more well-organized and well-formed you need to install PBX station that presents such services as welcome message, own IP address, internal numbers for free calls, call monitoring feature, voicemail etc. Call our technicians and learn more.

Contact our technical experts if you need some consultation concerning connecting, payment or other questions. Find us via Skype, email, online livechat or by phone numbers you can see on our website.