Having Bulgaria virtual number that helps to widen telecommunication possibilities. Economical situation all over the world demands much money to provide normal life. International communication cannot be currently executed with the help of traditional telephony, it is no more effective and moreover expensive.

That is why we offer you a virtual number for Bulgaria in order to see the better side of telecommunication with important people.

*The price is quoted for Calls, SMS, Toll-Free, or Fax type of phone numbers.

For Calls and SMS, Calls and Fax of phone numbers, the price could differ.

Bulgaria is an amazing place on the Balkan semi-island. It has wonderful climate, picturesque mountain tops, ideal sea resorts, healing thermal sources, rich cultural heritage, orthodox sacraments, and great national traditions and so on and so forth. There you will see picturesque valleys, rapid rivers, snow-covered mountains tops, mysterious coombs and high mountain plateaus. Three mountain ranges of Bulgaria penetrate the country from East to West. Eastern regions are hillier and on the west high mountain regions prevail. The height of separate tops reaches 2900 meters.

What is VoIP virtual number?

It’s a number with calling code + 359 that provides us with an opportunity to communicate with people from abroad and save money. They can redirect calls, SMS and fax to special courses. Such numbers don’t have technical equipment in use or SIM cards. Being free from any of location, it’s possible to utilize it everywhere you can. It's possible also to make calls with the help of SIP service. Just order from us a SIP account, setup all parameters you need and make cheap SIP/VoIP calls to abroad at local rates. If you have a desire to make your number visible, just get Caller ID and get calls from your subscribers.

When organizing telephony system well, you should try PBX station with range of classic phone services and some additional phone features. It includes standard call recording, IVR, welcome message, adding some internal numbers, many SIP-accounts, voicemail, hold music, contact book.

Several goods for virtual number

You might definitely think about the need to get virtual phone number Bulgaria. However, before selecting any services try to examine preferences of products we’re going to present:

  • It’s possible to make online ordering;
  • Services are cheaper and simpler in use;;
  • NO SIM-cards and technical equipment in need;
  • Ability to make operations via local tariffs;
  • Numbers don’t bound persons to physical location.

What samples of virtual DID number exist?

If you want to carry conversations with Bulgarian people pick special virtual number for Bulgaria. All these numbers have their particular functions, which you are able to learn below.

We provide several types of them for:

  1. Calls. It operates due to the option of calls forwarding. Having this number, say it to people who will call you from Bulgaria and dialing this number they will be connected with you. They can be redirected from that number to already existing number for low rates or setting call forwarding to Skype and SIP for free.
  2. SMS It has a capacity to get messages to such courses as URL, email or number phone;
  3. Fax. With the help of this number have a chance to receive fax from this country absolutely for free. Number of course costs certain money, but fax forwarding to email address is FREE.
  4. Calls and fax/ SMS and calls They combine functions of virtual numbers for 2 telephone services. In this case you do not need two separate numbers;
  5. Multichannel numbers They have several lines for better distributed calls;
  6. Toll free numbers Such numbers provide free calls made by subscribers.

Virtual phone numbers for Bulgaria

Virtual phone numbers for Bulgaria

Those numbers are available for Bulgaria. Having at least one of them you will see how convenient it is to communicate with people using virtual number for Bulgaria. You can see all prices for numbers here.

Additional services for number

To have more chances for better intercommunication and create ideal conditions for it you can decide on some additional services from us. They will be of great helping hand for you while connecting with people from this state. They are:

  • Voice-mail – leaving a voice message;
  • Conditional call-forwarding – forwarding according to time, period, country etc.;
  • Greeting (welcome) message – welcome voice message that is played after dialing the number;
  • IVR-menu – voice menu that directs your subscribers to special department and organize your business process;
  • Call-recording – incoming and outgoing calls recording for further monitoring process; This is not the whole list of additional systems and services.

Here you can read more details about these services and be aware of the prices.

If you have done something wrong – do not worry. Contact our support experts will find better solution. Please call them, write to email or Skype, or you have urgent question you can contact them via live chat online.