Using modern technologies of telecommunication, you may try something new with IP-telephony. Buy phone number that works on base of forwarding not only calls, but also SMS, faxes to direction most comfortable to you.
Moreover, that is possible to connect VoIP toll free numbers for more callers flow. Freezvon recommends also to install several useful features as voicemail, call recording etc. to you phone number for more effective.
When you deal the business and think about making your office telephony more advanced, connect virtual PBX station with large package of services as internal numbers, unlimited amount of SIP-accounts and others.
What is phone number from Freezvon, its work?
That’s the number looking like real one, but its principal distinction depends on principle of work the forwarding of calls, SMS or fax to concrete courses you may choose on your own. These are all of them you may setup according to individual preferences:
- Calls come to Skype and SIP (free) or mobile/landline;
- With SMS forwarding messages go to email and URL (free) or cell phone;
- Fax come to email only (free).
Redirection to 800 phone numbers are always paid (these service works only within the appropriate country). When you need to make cheap outbound calls, just submit the request to our managers and they will give you all settings. You can download free programs as Zoiper or Xlite, and then you will not only to get but dial with such apps and settings from us.

Buy phone number online
Pros of buy phone number from Freezvon Company
- Online purchase only;
- Over 120 countries where you can connect numbers;
- Available additional phone features as IVR-menu, call history, records of calls, background music and others depending on your taste;
- SIP/VoIP calls at lowest local rates;
- More callers around the world;
- NO sim-cards or other equipment;
- Independence from geographical location.
Visibility of your phone number depends on such option as Caller ID. When a person installs this, his subscribers can see the digits of number dialing to them. So, that is truth worthy and profitable solution in case you need to talk to associates.
For having more details or solving problems with your service, contact our technical department via email, Skype, helping live chat or by phone. They work every day and night without breaks and weekends, so your service workability is safe and under control.