Become an owner of Portugal virtual number for keeping telephony is profitable choice. Speaking about virtual telephony we are always think that this thing works only in big business and we will never face it.

Anyway, that’s not true, because IP telephony gives us much more opportunity than we can imagine. Freezvon offers virtual number for Portugal that will step up your telecommunication life into new level.

As the Western country in Europe, Portugal surprises us more and more. Its capital called Lisbon is considered to be the oldest one (it’s even older than Paris, London and Rome!). It’s interesting that the word Portugal was mentioned in 868 during the independence war for Pyrenees island against Moors. This state has its own music style known as fado characterized by emotional tension and songs are full of lost and frustration. Nevertheless, we’d like to make you sure that you won’t feel disappointed with its virtual numbers.

What is virtual number phone, its work?

That is a number having code +351 and its work is in redirection of calls, fax and SMS to chosen before destination. This number doesn’t have physical attachments so easy in using being in office or in your house’s bedroom. You don’t need to buy SIM-cards and expensive wires. A cheap virtual Portugal phone number will allow you to use a SIP application for local or International calls.

Buy Portugal virtual phone numbers

Get virtual phone number in Portugal

Superiority of DID virtual numbers in usage

For knowing more about virtual numbers you need to get personal experience, just learn more about our services below:

  • Cheapness of services and their connection;
  • Ordering process can be done online;
  • Easiness in utilization;
  • It’s accessible to order supplementary telephone services as ivr-menu, call recording, welcome message, call history and many others;
  • Various methods of paying;
  • Low rates which you can see on our website.

Types of virtual numbers for clients

Think and get what you really need to. It doesn’t matter what aims you have in telephony, we can solve it. Our numbers are intended for:

  • Calls (readdressing of calls is done to Skype, SIP, IP telephone, other phone);
  • SMS (redirection is for email, phone number or URL);
  • Calls and SMS (operations with telephone services + separated redirections);
  • Fax (only direction to email);
  • Fax and calls (telephone services + diversified redirections);
  • Toll free 800 number ( free outgoing calls are accessible for subscribers);
  • Multichannel number (varied lines for number less overloading by calls).
We are providers of VoIP technologies including virtual numbers for over 90 countries, SIP service, virtual PBX station and some other constructive additional telephone services. Enjoy communication with us!

Instead of making mistakes, just avoid them asking about confusing points concerning virtual telephony our technical support. Write them to Skype, online live chat or email.