Nowadays, in order to call via Iphone cheaper, you need to install SIP application, and Freezvon will give you a SIP account. Then you will be able to private numbers of your subscribers. It’s quite convenient if they do not have permanent access to Internet, for having conversations they don’t have to be connected to network. If you want to save money of your subscribers, just connect virtual number of appropriate city or country, its citizens will talk to you at local rates.

Freezvon provider recommends you great possibilities with the help of SIP telephony. Using SIP account, it’s possible to make calls via IPhone using Internet connection. From this article you are going to know more concerning making calls using IPhone.

Special SIP-app for cheap calls via Internet

In order to call other countries at minimal rates, just download SIP program and install it to your IPhone. Installation and usage won’t take some difficulties, but if you need some help, you can contact to our technical department. Anyway, let’s analyze these programs in details:

SIP telephony for calls making

Make cheap calls online


Make cheap calls via SIP

Application with excellent interface, minimal of settings and convenient using items. All you need for cheap calls is an installation to your IPhone (it’s free app for computer. It’s paid for IOS to download this app). With its help every user can call and share text messages, communicate with people simultaneously, hold video conference, save call and SMS history. Download.


calls at low rates via Internet

This free app can work not only for operating system of IPhone, but it can be installed to very simple devices. Thanks to such undemanding program you can call via Internet and make video calls, accept faxes, dial contact numbers etc. Download.

Free SIP apps will open new opportunities to you:

  • Dial to abroad and accept free incoming calls;
  • Use text and video chats;
  • Change status (free, busy, be out);
  • Control contacts;
  • Monitor calls.
You can download these programs free from official websites of developers. If you need to become more successful in using VoIP telephony, try our PBX system with a range of various telephone services as voicemail, call recording, greeting message, SIP accounts, internal number etc.

How to get and install SIP account

How to call cheaper via IPhone using Internet connection

In order to communicate with citizens from other countries without big expenses, you need to make several stages:

  • Install one of SIP application to your IPhone;
  • Register to Freezvon;
  • Enter personal cabinet, top up a balance from $10;
  • Write a request for receiving SIP-account to our specialists from technical department;
  • Enter received data for access to your account.

When you buy virtual phone number, SIP account will be free for you. Pick a phone number for calls, SMS or fax, tie it to your account after ordering a service known as Caller ID (your subscribers will be able to know who dial to them).

Buy Virtual Phone Number for calls via Iphone

Got some questions? We are always open to give you a consultation, so please, contact our technical team using Skype, online live chat, email or phone. Our corporation always tries to make favorable conditions for further partnership, so let's build VoIP telephony communication together cooperating with friendly attitude to each other.