Try to make cheaper calls to Crimea regions with the help of SIP-telephony. In 2015 a new calling code 365 was accepted on Crimea half-island . Now in order to call to landline Crimea from Ukraine or any other country, you need to dial +7, then local code +365, then phone number goes.

For example, for call to Simferopol please dial +7-365 and number of subscriber. In order to call cell phone number, please dial +7-978 (united code of mobile Crimean operator) – a number of your subscriber.

Freezvon will help to make a purchase of virtual number for Crimea with SIP (cost for these calls you may see below). You don’t have to buy SIM-cards or additional telephone apparatus, you just can setup special program to mobile or other communicate device. From this article, you will get more details concerning phone calling to Crimea.

SIP-technologies for cheaper calls to Crimea

SIP-telephony is a possibility of communication via Internet. Calls to Crimea or other areas are always made with the help of particular account. Data for access to this account (login, password or domain) are indicated in settings of IP-telephone or SIP-app downloaded to your PC, cellphone or tablet. We recommend you to install Zoiper, Xlite or other analogue application.

In order to accept outgoing calls just get virtual number with code of appropriate country without geographical attachment functioning around the globe. Work of this number is supported by VoIP telephony facilities permitting to redirect incoming calls to number of any state or SIP. Costs and rates you are able to check clicking here.

Use SIP service for making voip calls

SIP-technologies for cheaper calls

Why you need to use SIP-telephony?

Our corporation recommends you to become a user of VoIP technologies. Learn what will you get then:

  • Cheap rates for calls and low prices for connection;
  • Keeping a contact with Crimea people;
  • Ability to get additional phone features as call recording, ivr-menu, hold a music, welcome message, conditional call forwarding and others;
  • NO usage of SIM-cards or roaming connecting;
  • Locally your number is not tied down;
  • Simple and comfortable in use.
Freezvon presents list of various countries and regions including Crimea. Buy Sebastopol (+365-2), Sudak (+365-66) or other actual city. It’s possible to make your number digits displayed by ordering of Caller ID function.

How to call to Crimean subscribers via SIP?

With the help of SIP-telephony, get calls free economizing so much money. But with SIP-account there is an opportunity to call to cell phones or landline numbers. After buying a virtual number, you receive all SIP settings then install special application and make calls to your relatives, friends, colleagues at favorable rates, which are much more cheaper than ever. Want to ask a question, just contact our technical department via Skype, e-mail, online live chat or by phone.

Buy a virtual phone number by Freezvon

For making really cheap calls to Crimea, subscribers should order a virtual telephone number first. You need to:

  • Register to website of our company;
  • Enter personal cabinet;
  • Pick suitable number, redirection type etc.;
  • Choose subscription period for the number: 1, 3, 6, or 12 months (2-18% discount based on the period of subscription and the price of the number).
  • Top up a balance;
  • Confirm your ordering;
  • Send a request for getting a SIP-account.

In very short period to your e-mail we send password, login, domain. Please, indicate all desired parameters. Now it’s accessible for you to call Crimean people from Ukraine, Russia or other countries.

Rates and coverage for VoIP calls Get virtual number for VoIP calls to Crimea

If you have a desire to obtain more info concerning VoIP technologies, contact our technical department working 24 hours per day without breaks and weekends. You may reach them via Skype, email, phone, online live chat.