In the era of globalization, frequent travels and constant need to stay on-line with colleagues, partners, friends and family question of connection is vital. Modern technologies offer a wide range of different communication services, but often they cannot provide both cheap calls and worldwide coverage. Freezvon Company proposes simple, reliable and cheap communication solution accessible for everyone on-line. Buy a virtual SIM-card analogue as virtual number and get an opportunity to remain accessible around the world wherever you are.

Freezvon would like to be your personal guide in telecommunication sphere and inform you with all possible innovations or already existing services. Try to follow our specific recommendations concerning IP-telephony features and its main peculiarities. From this article, you may know what similarities virtual number and virtual SIM-card have.

What is virtual SIM-card telephone service?

In other words it's virtual telephone number that can redirect calls and SMS to appropriate destination courses (SIP for calls; e-mail or website for SMS). It doesn't attach you to physical place, so move and talk simultaneously. You don't have to buy any additional equipment to use this service, just setup forwarding and become a user of virtual number everywhere. With the help of this service, you can call and send SMS at local low rates. Learn about the prices more here.

Use of SIM-cards telephone service

What is virtual SIM-card?

How does a virtual SIM-card work?

A subscriber chooses any available mobile number of any country. All the calls are forwarded from this to another number, SIP or other VoIP-application of subscriber’s choice. In the same manner outgoing calls can be made.The number can be used for sending/bulking and receiving SMS. These services are based on IP/VoIP-technology using Internet. It's not attached to physical location, so you can move everywhere using this service. World wire web makes coverage and connection possibilities almost unlimited.

What benefits does virtual SIM-card bring to you?

Owners of virtual SIM-cards receive a possibility to use the most services, which are available for simple virtual numbers, so order and enjoy any telephone service you wish. Buy a virtual SIM-card and take its advantages:

  • Free forwarding of incoming calls. Obtain calls to SIP without additional payment.
  • Worldwide coverage. Accept calls in any point of the globe.
  • Local rate for the caller. No additional fees.
  • Costs control. After signing up in a personal cabinet on Freezvon system the subscriber will be able to look through the history of calls, expenditures and other statistical data.
This telephone service is very useful for private persons and people in business. Our company provides more wide range of products for corporate clients with full phone solution for an office.

Which other relevant services are provided?

For customer convenience other additional telephone services are offered:

  1. Voicemail . Let other subscribers leave messages for you, when you are not available.
  2. Greeting message . Set up any message you want the callers listen to.
  3. Recording of calls. Save your conversations for further analysis.
  4. Hold music . Music is better than boring beeps.
  5. Blacklist/whitelist . Block annoying or unnecessary calls and prioritize incoming calls from important people.
  6. Send/bulk SMS . Inform people with instant sms bulking.
  7. Conditional call forwarding . Set up conditions of redirecting calls in certain time to certain device.

Rates and coverage for virtual SIM-card number

Virtual SIM-cards with additional services help people to communicate freely without borders. Allow people to stay in touch with you any time in any place in order to meet requirements of modern lifestyle and modern society. You will be pleased with our prices, virtual SIM-card is accessible for everyone now.

When some questions appeared you can ask our technical experts about any point in IP-telephony including virtual SIM-cards as well. Our support is available via Skype, email, helping livechat or by telephone, so hurry up and contact us right now.