Buy number with forwarding to SIP. Each customer who wants to buy a virtual number knows what this service is. All other users who do not know much about IP-telephony can find out more in this article. This is fixed number of certain country, and its calls are readdressed to a local or a cell numbers, personal or pocket computer, SIP-device or Skype etc.
Collect more knowledge concerning call forwarding to SIP.
Freezvon presents enormous choice of various IP telephony features at any taste. Thanks to this article you as subscriber of Freezvon could become more informed and educated concerning SIP telephony questions. It is generally known that call redirecting to SIP devices is usually free of charge. Then it is no wonder that many users prefer this kind of communication. Firstly, attach a SIP telephone or install software on computer to set up direct diverting to a SIP. When software is installed, you must have access to the network and settings.
Principles of call forwarding to SIP usage
To get all the advantages of IP telephony with call forwarding to SIP, use different kinds of equipment and software:
- IP-telephone, which provides telecommunication between users by means of IP networks. It looks like a usual phone but it has additional functions. When IP telephone is connected to Internet it can carry out all the necessary functions. In corporate networks it usually has a deal with local networks, where it interacts with PBX.
- SIP programs such as X-Lite or Zoiper enable you to get calls via a SIP, PC, pocket computer or smart phone. To get this service you must install the program first of all, and only then configure all the settings. They include the following: SIP account, SIP login, SIP password and SIP server address.
- VoIP gateway attachment for using the analogue devices. To utilize this service the analogue telephone must be connected to a VoIP gateway, which has an access to Inet and can be combined with a router or switch.
- Actual and virtual PBX for call receipt by means of a SIP protocol. The only thing that you need for this service to work profitably is a local phone network. There is no need to attach the phone, while all the files will be sent by means of IP networks within IP PBX.

Use call forwarding to SIP service
When you set up the local number redirection, you should specify a SIP account all the calls will be diverted to:
- If you use our company internal server, then it must contain such info: SIP/username, where username is represented by a user's SIP account;
- If you have a SIP-account in any other external server, then call forwarding to SIP will look like this: SIP/username@IP, where IP is your server host.
- If necessary every user can easily set up call redirecting depending on temporary settings. SIP phones are set in the company office, so it would be rational to get these calls to this destination during working time. During holidays, festivals and evening time calls can be redirected to any manager's cell phone or voice mail.
In such an easy way none of incoming calls will be missed and each customer will always be able to contact your company or leave message for you.
Call forwarding to SIP service will work like that:
- Inbound call will be diverted to all the signed and active SIP devices and programs at the moment;
- Outbound call will be cheaper, especially to abroad;
- If nobody answers the call by means of a SIP device will be readdressed to a given phone number;
- If it is busy the call will be diverted to voicemail where a caller can leave a message.
If the call forwarding list starts with a SIP device and the inbound call cannot reach this device, it will be immediately diverted to a cell number.
Ordering of virtual service for using SIP
For using SIP-account it’s obligatory to get VoIP phone number first. Follow next recommendations:
- Register to Freezvon;
- Put some money to balance;
- Picking needed parameters;
- Choose subscription period for the number: 1, 3, 6, or 12 months (2-18% discount based on the period of subscription and the price of the number);
- Get number;
- Send a request for receiving SIP.
Using SIP-application service will save your money for calls, especially when you need to contact with foreign countries.
Costs for various virtual numbers and VoIP services Buy Virtual Number with SIP forwarding
Number with call forwarding to SIP will be connected within 24-hours and then request would be revised. Contact us via email, Skype, livechat and by telephone. Freezvon specialists are always ready to help you with any telephone service.