Such service as UAE toll free phone numbers with call forwarding to SIP or other number are amazing for conversations in office and outdoors. IP-telephony gives a great possibility to make your telephony to develop.

We are glad to present you such solutions as UAE toll free numbers, which are designated to conversations with local people of this country, providing them with outgoing calls without fees at all. Moreover, you are going to order any additional service to the VoIP number and make your business develop and widen. Read this article and see all info about the features and country where you will utilize it.

Only 40 years ago on the place of UAE there was only an empty desert. That is one of the richest country in the entire world. It should be mentioned as obvious travel tip that there are lots of Muslim interdictions as no alcohol drinking and transportation, it’s forbidden to make photographs of government buildings and some sights and so on. The biggest skyscraper called Burj Khalifa the highest in the world. Now let's see how to get a toll free number from the UAE and how to use this service.

Toll free numbers and its working principles

It's a VoIP number with code 800 that permits making calls redirected to such destinations as SIP and other landline or cell phone numbers. Remember that this number promotes only free calls for your subscribers, you should pay for their calls (they are incoming for you). SIM-cards or other expensive appliances are not required for usage. It’s also very convenient that location doesn’t tie you down to it. Please, see all the prices for these numbers here.

Use UAE toll free number for calls

Toll free phone numbers for UAE

Preferable sides of toll free numbers by Freezvon

Some odds and preferable pluses of toll free 800 numbers for UAE. Please, see them below:

  • Ordering online process from personal account;
  • Additional telephone services for your number as background music, voicemail, VoIP calls, greeting message, call recording and others;
  • Free outgoing calls for your subscribers;
  • You don’t need to use SIM-cards and other technical appliances;
  • This number influences great on your business;
  • Cheap and good telephone services.

Freezvon provides virtual phone numbers in UAE for calls, SMS or fax that can have different directions of forwarding. In one hand SMS may come to url, email or other mobile phone number, but on the other hand, fax are forwarded to email as PDF file.

Installation of PBX station will change your meaning about telecommunication. There are such telephone services, which will be very useful for you as voicemail, SIP-accounts, recording of calls, ivr-menu and others. This service will be amazingly good as for home as for office.

If you have some questions about connection, payments, costs etc., just ask our technical support department. They are accessible online via Skype, email, live chat. Of course, you can dial to us. We are always glad to give you some help.