Every developing corporation requires good and favorable connection for its employees. New field in telecommunication development is called corporate telephony. In order to save on calls and have a possibility to create such kind of connection, use amazing solution known as VoIP telephony services for cheaper, easier and faster talking to people working with you.

We recommend you to read an article about IP-telephony services informing a foundation of your corporate telephony.

All the owner needs is good Internet connection, buy virtual number, install virtual PBX system with all its helpful telephone features as call monitoring, internal numbers, SIP-accounts and others. Freezvon offers services of virtual telephony at profitable conditions and sensible costs.

Principle of corporate telephony work

According to scheme of service connection, it can be described in the following way: IP-network will be connected to principal office, then all lines are distributed between company employees, their customers, or filiations. A great condition that such virtual number does not depend on your location and always available for subscribers. That happens because phone number has attachment only to user, not to physical address.

Get corporate telephony for business

Corporate telephony

Such service forms unique telephone number, which will be principal. By the way, among additional services, which will help to optimize your corporate telephony in office, there are many functions. For example, there is a possibility to communicate using videoconference, install voicemenu, greeting message or background music during call waiting, monitoring of calls, creating own groups or lists for all contacts and others.

Usage advantages of corporate telephony

All connection and settings can be done remotely, so in order to create corporate VoIP-telephony you do not have to order services of different specialists. Everything connected with connection will depend on company-provider technical team.

For every company communication is a key task in working optimization. So, let’s see the goods you will receive:

  • Possibility to create unlimited lines for simultaneous calls;
  • Connection of IP-network and full package of voice data transmission;
  • Sharing of important documents, audio/video files, faxes, images etc.;
  • Cheap and convenient connection;
  • NO expensive equipment in use.

Try virtual telephony services from Freezvon Company. There you will find everything you need for flourishing work at good rates for excellent service. We wish you a success in your corporate telephony work and development of the company!

Costs for virtual phone numbers Buy virtual number for office and companies

Concerning installation, payments and other questions, just contact our technical team via Skype, email, helping live chat or by telephone. We are always glad to cooperate with you and give you favorable and qualified consultation concerning usage of VoIP telephony services from Freezvon.