Get more information concerning telephone services that could change meaning of telephony. Nowadays it is impossible to imagine our life without telephones. A couple of decades ago, people did not have any mobile or home devices.
We shouted under the windows of our friends for them to come out for a walk. With the advancement of technology the phone numbers appeared, so now we can communicate with anyone, even being at big distances.
There are many types of phone numbers, used for various purposes and various functions. Here we are going to describe the concept, purpose, scheme of work and other features of numbers.
What is a phone number?
It has certain amount of digits. Typing them, you may reach the person in long distance. When you delve into the technical features, you see this route connecting interlocutors one to another. The first figures are usually the exit code for abroad line, further - the country, area, city, mobile operator and a personal code of the person or organization. Depending on call origin and course, the number of digits will be different.
Calling foreign interlocutors, requires using a long string of numbers. Meeting within a single city, just a range of short numbers. Phones come in diverse types and differ in the method of operation, coverage connected functions, maintenance cost, etc.
How does a phone number functions?
Telephone communication is carried out as follows: voice signals (for calls), text data (for exchange of text messages or faxes) are transmitted to the end subscriber via analog or digital network. Internet channel is quite a modern method. Most are accustomed to using a regular landline and mobile. It works without SIM-cards and other appliances.

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Classification of phone numbers
They are grouped in several different classifications. One and the same number with a similar look in this case may be assigned to different groups. For example, let’s divide them as per format into fixed and mobile, and as per application: for personal purposes and for business. It turns out that the stationary and mobile ones are both used in the first and in the second situation.
Depending on the size and type of device, there are:
- Landline (direct) – they are usually assigned to home and corporate devices. It is tied to a device, cable and has a limited range;
- Mobile (cell) – can be used when moving to a new city and country. Also, more useful options can be added to a cell. Modern cellular connection also allows Internet access;
- Internal numbers – are usually short and 3-, 4-, or 5- digits and are used for rapid coordination within a single office;
- Virtual numbers – are utilized for rapid international communication without being tied to the SIM card and cable. Calls are redirected to ordinary phones, to computer devices or IP-phone;
- Short numbers – peculiarity is that they consist of a small number of digits. They are very convenient and widely used for taxi services, for SMS mailings;
- Toll Free – has a code 800 and provides a possibility of absolutely free calls from the interlocutors ;
- SIP – operates via SIP protocol, works wherever the Internet is available;
- Depending on the geographical origin, the level of coverage areas, grouping is the following;
- Local (it does not include the country or city code. It’s used for communication within definite location – town or city);
- National (it’s used within the country);
- International (It’s used for communication between different countries. This globally unique code must be dialed called from anywhere in the world).
Based on the data bearer there are analog and digital (virtual number via IP-protocol) telephone networks.
Freezvon suggests you detailed info concerning numbers. Virtual PBX system will provide telephony system of high quality and time-saving services. That is a packet or collection of VoIP services known as statistic of calls, number for inside conversations, black list, SIP accounts of enormous quantity, welcome message, and other useful VoIP functions for work or personal demands.
Numbers of urgent types
As a separate type in classification, emergency phone numbers are considered. These are short combinations to connect to the ambulance, fire-fighters, police, emergency services, weather forecast service, etc.
VIP numbers
As a separate type in classification, emergency phone numbers are considered. These are short combinations to connect to the ambulance, fire-fighters, police, emergency services, weather forecast service, etc. There is a classification even on the “appearance” of numbers.
This grouping is more often applied to mobile:
- Butterfly - a special number, having the form of "112-3-211", that is the outside two pairs of digits repeat each other, and the central one is unique;
- Mirror - "112-3-112";
- Triple - "122-33-22";
- Silver - "123-45-45";
- Gold - "111-222-3";
- Emerald - "123-23-23";
- Platinum - "11-22222".
To keep this classification can be yet extended for long, up to an exclusive type of "1111111". Mobile operators began to earn on such numeric combinations. Many taxi service, popular shops, and restaurants acquire such combinations to make it easier for people to remember them.
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