Connect virtual phone number for Moscow and get closer to Russian citizens. When company is developing, requirements are growing, so corresponding is the main task in big business. Calls increasing? Just think about right way of its regulation.

IP-telephony created the most ameliorated conditions for this process. In this article, it’s possible to know more about ability to contact Moscow people with VoIP virtual phone number. Would you like to know more about it and a bit concerning capital of Russia.

Only some captivating facts about capital can impress a lot by its extravagance. There it’s possible to visit such place described in Bulgakov novel “Master and Margaret”, called Patriarchal ponds. It’s the most mystique location loved by hippies, geeks and creative people. Library named after Lenin, biggest in Europe (43 billion of books) is also known as library named after Lennon, because when Beatles were popular local rock-n-rollas called it like that. So, Moscow is not so Soviet and ordinary.

What is virtual number and its working process?

It’s number with code +7499 or +7495 that has a possibility to readdress calls to appropriate courses as:

  1. IP-telephone;
  2. SIP;
  3. Mobile;
  4. Skype.

Virtual number for Moscow doesn’t require SIM-cards or other appliances. Being independent from location this number permit to move everywhere and talk. Redirection to SIP, Skype is free, but to mobile is paid. For making cheap calls, you'd better get SIP account from us, install useful apps as Zoiper or Xlite, use necessary setting and save money for abroad calls.

Moscow virtual phone number usage

Moscow virtual number

For giving your telephony new breathe, just install PBX system, a server with various range of features as CDR, contact book, call recording, internal numbers, SIP accounts in unlimited amount, hold a music, IP address. Settings can be done via personal profile on Freezvon website.

Preferable odds of direct virtual number

Picking such telephone service, try to examine all positive sides of virtual telephone number:

  • Order some additional service as blacklist, click to call , callback , conference call and many others;
  • Online ordering of VoIP services from Freezvon;
  • NO SIM-cards or other equipment;
  • Free from physical location;
  • Low local rates;
  • Possibility to make calls thanks to SIP.

What categories of virtual numbers are accessible?

There are some DID phone numbers, which could be for several needs in this state. They are for:

  • Other direct Russian numbers;
  • Mobile numbers;
  • Toll free 800 (number of free dialing for subscribers);
  • Multichannel (lots of supplementary lines).
Ability not only to get calls, but also make them with SIP service is in open access now. Freezvon offers to install SIP account by sending a request to technicians of company. It’s obligatory to download free SIP apps as Zoiper or Xlite and pick redirecting to SIP. Then you receive some settings from us for your account.

Concerning all confusing moments ask our technical specialists who are waiting for questions 24 hours per day. They are accessible via Skype, email, live chat or by phone. Contact us right now and solve all questions and trouble with our help.